
Advancing the field of electrochemical analysis in one or more of the following:

  • Conceptualization and development of unique instrumentation that has made a significant impact on the field.

  • Development of novel and important instrumentation.

  • Elucidation of fundamental events or processes important to the field.

  • Authorship of important research papers and/or books that have had an influential role in the development of the field.

This Award consists of a plaque and $2500. The latter may be used to help defray travel expenses associated with the recipient’s participation in the Division’s award ceremony (typically held at the ACS fall National Meeting each year) which are not covered separately by the Division.

1988: Allen J. Bard2001: R. Mark Wightman2014: Debra Rolison
1989: Ralph N. Adams2002: (no award given)2015: George S. Wilson
1990: Royce W. Murray2003: Mark E. Meyerhoff2016: Reginald Penner
1991: Robert A. Osteryoung2004: Henry S. White2017: Paul Bohn
1992: Gary A. Rechnitz2005: Erno Pretsch2018: Shelley Minteer
1993: Keith Oldham2006: Joseph Wang2019: Patrick Unwin
1994: Fred Anson2007: Hector D. Abruna2020: Bo Zhang
1995: Theodore Kuwana2008: Richard Crooks2021: Lane A. Baker
1996: Janet G. Osteryoung2009: James F. Rusling2022: Bin Ren
1997: Stanley Bruckenstein2010: Charles R. Martin2023: Keith Stevenson
1998: Stephen W. Feldberg2011: Dennis H. Evans
1999: Michael Weaver2012: Joseph Hupp
2000: Richard L. McCreery2013: Andrew Ewing
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