The Roland F. Hirsch Award

The American Chemical Society, Division of Analytical Chemistry
Proudly Announces:

The Roland F. Hirsch Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Analytical Chemistry

About Roland F. Hirsch

Roland Hirsch has served the field of analytical chemistry in a 52-year career that spans teaching, research, and leadership at Seton Hall University, and 33 years of government service at the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Energy.  Roland has been a leader of the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry, as Councilor for 25 years, as Division Secretary for 5 years, Chair-Elect, Program Chair, and Chair, and as its Web Editor for 22 years. Roland organized the 50th-anniversary celebration of the Division and 25 years later, wrote the definitive history of the first 75 years of the Division, published in Analytical Chemistry in 2013.  Roland has also been active in ACS Governance, including Chair of the Committee on International Activities, Secretary of the Committee on Nominations and Elections, Member of the Committee on Divisional Activities, Senior Chemists Task Force, Committee on Committees, and Liaison to the ACS Committee on Professional Training.

When Roland Hirsch announced his retirement from the U.S. Department of Energy at the end of January, the Executive Committee of the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry discussed how to honor Roland for his lifetime of service to our field. With the support of many donors, the Analytical Division is endowing its distinguished service award in Roland’s name, so that it will be called the Roland F. Hirsch Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Analytical Chemistry in perpetuity.

The Division welcomes additional donations to the award endowment, which can be sent to:

ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry
Attn:  Miquela Sena
2019 Galisteo St., Bldg. I-1
Santa Fe, NM  87505

1996: Jay K. Trautman2006: Neil Kelleher2016: Peter Nemes
1997: Jonathan Sweedler2007: Garth J. Simpson2017: Matthew F. Bush
1998: Robert T. Kennedy2008: Laurie E. Locascio2018: Abraham Badu-Tawiah
1999: David E. Clemmer2009: John R. Engen2019: Livia Eberlin
2000: Kimberly A. Prather2010: Christy L. Haynes2020: Joaquin Rodriguez Lopez
2001: Sylvia Daunert2011: Joshua Coon2021: Mei Shen
2002: (no award given)2012: Aaron Wheeler2022: Michael Marty
2003: Stephan J. Stranick2013: Ryan Bailey2023: Jeffrey Dick
2004: David C. Muddiman2014: Ben Garcia
2005: Jason B. Shear2015: Scott T. Phillips

History of the Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award was established to recognize an individual who, through professional service in activities such as teaching, writing, research, and administration, has substantially and uniquely enhanced the field of analytical chemistry.  Nominations should present evidence for one or more of the following outstanding accomplishments:

-Enhance the positive perception of analytical chemistry in the public eye

-Foster the development of analytical chemistry research in academic institutions, government laboratories, or in private industries

-Develop and implement programs that benefit the analytical community. These can be but are not limited to efforts within the Division of Analytical Chemistry or within the American Chemical Society

-Advance and promote the careers of analytical chemists in any area of employment

-Play a central role in improving the way analytical chemistry is practiced role in the use of chemical instrumentation.

2004: Andre M. Striegel2015: Matthew Miller
2005: Michael T. Bowser2016: Omar K. Farha
2006: Christopher Culbertson2017: Zachary Breitbach
2007: Adam T. Woolley2018: No award
2008: Nelson Torto2019: Katelynn Perrault
2009: Craig A. Aspinwall2020: Robbyn K. Anand
2010: Philip Britz-McKibbin2021: James Grinias
2011: Jared L. Anderson2022: Emanuela Gionfriddo
2012: Kevin A. Schug2023: Tom Linz
2013: Michael Roper2024: Xiao Su
2014: Dwight R. Stoll
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