Dear ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Members,
You may be wondering about the status of the Spring 2021 ACS National Meeting (Mar 21 to Mar 25, San Antonio, TX) and/or Pittcon 2021 (Mar 6 to Mar 10, New Orleans, LA). You are not alone in this. As ACS Analytical Division Program Chair for 2021, I have been seeking information, asking questions and trying to plan appropriately all the while wishing for a crystal ball to see into the future.
Luckily, I am not alone in this endeavor. Your Division Leadership and a newly invigorated Long-Range Program Planning Committee (LRPP), headed by Amanda Hummon at The Ohio State University, are committed to maintaining the high quality of programming that you have come to expect.
So, what do we know at this point? Decisions about whether Pittcon 2021 or the Spring 2021 ACS National Meeting will be held in-person, virtually or in a hybrid format have not yet been made. I’ve come to appreciate that there are many factors that go into making this type of decision (pittcon.org/update/). In response, both organizations have developed program platforms and schedules that can be adapted to an in-person, hybrid or virtual meeting without significant changes to programming.
Currently, the ANYL Technical Symposia for the Spring 2021 National Meeting are being finalized. The call for abstracts is expected to be announced by ACS on November 9, 2020 with a deadline for abstract submissions of December 7, 2020.
Pittcon 2021 is currently being planned as an in-person meeting. Information about and status of the Pittcon 2021 meeting can be found at pittcon.org/.
Any new meeting status information will be passed along as soon as we are informed. Thank you for your support for the ACS Analytical Chemistry Division and patience during this unusual time. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Be well.
Rebecca Zangmeister
Program Chair 2021
ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry