August 18-24, 2024, Denver, CO
ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry (ANYL) Symposia and Networking Events for the 2024 Fall National Meeting
ANYL 2024 Program Chair: Mark A. Hayes
ANYL Long Range Program Planning Committee Chair: Liangliang Sun
2024 Fall ACS Meeting Networking Events
ANYL Division Reception: Join us for the Division Reception, Monday, August 19 at 6:30 pm, advance ticket purchase required
2024 Fall ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Symposia
Click here for up-to-date meeting information.
Advances in chemical forensics: supporting legal investigations with analytical science (Oral, Poster)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: Audrey Williams, Kathleen McCormac-Miller, Hanna Kakulinen
Description: The chemical forensics session focuses on developments in analytical and chemometric methods that can support the forensic analysis and source attribution of chemical threat agents such as toxic industrial chemicals, explosives, pesticides, pharmaceutical materials, and their precursors. This session would welcome presentations including advancements in sample collection, analysis, and data processing or interpretation that contribute to a fundamental understanding of chemical attribution signatures and their role in supporting an investigation. Much of this chemical forensic work is of interest to the Chemical Forensics International Working Group (CFITWG), a group of ad hoc researchers, practitioners, and policy experts administered by the U.S. Department of State. Researchers who use analytical chemistry methods for similar purposes, including feature-comparison methods in traditional forensic investigations, are also encouraged to participate. Chemical Weapon Convention Schedule I compounds will not be included in this session.
Honoring ANYL Fellowship recipients (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: Erin Gross, Michelle Kovarik
Description: This symposium recognizes the graduate fellowships from the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry given to third and fourth year students. The awards are designed to encourage basic research in the field of analytical chemistry, to promote the growth of analytical chemistry in academic institutions and industry, and to provide recognition of future leaders in the field of analytical chemistry. These awards are sponsored by Agilent, Eli Lilly, Eastman and the ACS Pittsburgh Section. Three to four awards are earned each year, with this symposium highlighting recent award winners, their research, and recognizing the sponsors.
Rising stars in Analytical Chemistry (Oral, Poster)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizer: Katelynn Perrault Uptmor, Petr Vozka
Description: Analytical chemistry plays a pivotal role in our society, such as in drug manufacturing, process control in industry, environmental monitoring, petroleum engineering, medical diagnostics, food production, and forensic surveys. It is also of great importance in different research areas related to these applications.
In the “Rising Stars in Analytical Chemistry Symposium,” we will shine a spotlight on the brightest minds and emerging talents in the field of analytical chemistry. This symposium is a platform for early-career scientists, researchers, and innovators to showcase their groundbreaking work. We invite submissions from undergraduate and graduate student researchers, post-doctoral researchers, as well as early career scientists in industry, regulatory agencies, and the military.
The Impact of Consumer Products on Indoor Air Quality and Human Health (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizer: Xiaojia He, Wright, Christa
Description: This symposium will highlight emerging technologies and consumer products that threaten indoor air quality and potentially human health. Throughout the session, we will share state of the art methods to assess hazardous chemical exposure levels, inhalation risks, and biological indicators of injury associated with emissions stemming from various consumer products. Specifically, we will inform the audience of hazards associated with building materials, electronic nicotine delivery systems, 3D printers, and certain textiles alongside potential mitigation strategies to protect public health.
Nanozymes for Bioanalysis and Beyond (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: Hui Wei, Juewen Liu
Description: Nanozymes are the catalytic nanomaterials with enzyme mimicking activities, which have received great attentions because of their advantages over natural enzymes and conventional enzyme mimics. They have been explored for a wide range of applications. Particularly, nanozymes have been used for varieties of analytical applications, ranging from bioactive small molecule detection and immunoassays to bioimaging and cancer diagnosis. The proposed Symposium will focus on these interesting analytical applications by highlighting the recent progress and discussing current challenges and further directions. It will also cover other emerging topics in nanozymes research such as therapeutic applications and computational studies. Due to the diversity and importance of the topic, it will attract attendees from analytical chemistry as well as other disciplines. I believe the session meet the high standard of ACS Meeting.
Analytical advancements for emerging contaminants (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: Tian Qiu
Description: The symposium seeks to bring together the most recent advancements and innovations in analytical chemistry to address the current challenges in characterizing emerging contaminants in complex biological and environmental matrices, with a special interest in PFAS and nano/microplastics while the topic extends to the full spectrum of emerging contaminants. Topics in all aspects of analytical chemistry, including but not limited to sample collection and preparation, instrumentation, sensors and devices, data acquisition and analysis, are all welcome to together discuss the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in this exciting area of analytical chemistry research.
Advances in Mass Spectrometry (Oral, Poster)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: Benjamin Garcia
Description: The symposium is open to oral and poster presentations of research that feature new advances in mass spectrometry not covered in other ANYL symposia.
Multidimensional GC: From Petroleum to Beyond (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: Petr Vozka, Katelyn Perrault, Christina Kelly
Description: Many of today’s samples researched, such as fuels, human breath, environmental air, forensic evidence, food, and beverages, consist of complex chemical mixtures. Therefore, powerful separation techniques are needed to determine the chemical composition. Advances like multidimensional gas chromatography (MDGC), which evolved from one-dimensional chromatography, have started to gain recognition for their power to the separation challenge encountered with nontargeted profiling of complex mixtures. This symposium seeks relevant contributions from academia and industry on chemical characterization using MDGC, addressing one or more of the following topical areas: Sample preparation; Method development; Detectors and modulators; Advanced data processing.
Advances in Separations (Oral, Poster)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: James P Grinias, Emanuela Gionfriddo
Description: This symposium is open to oral and poster presentations that feature new advances in the use and/or development of analytical separation methods not covered in other ANYL symposia.
Advances in Spectroscopy (Oral, Poster)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: Allison Squires
Description: This symposium is open to oral and poster presentations that feature new advances in the use and/or development of spectroscopic tools in chemical characterization not covered in other ANYL symposia.
Nitrosamine Analytics Symposium (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizer: Tom Xiao, Christopher Welch, James Sabatowski
Description: This symposium will explore current global regulations and cutting-edge developments in nitrosamine analytics, addressing challenges and advancements in detection methods to meet the requirements of the FDA and other regulatory agencies. Renowned experts will discuss the implications for various industries, with a particular focus on the pharmaceutical industry, promoting a comprehensive understanding of this critical area.
Structural and Functional Lipidomics (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizer: Xin Yan
Description: Lipidomics stands as a vibrant progressing field, aiming for the thorough examination of lipid molecules within cells, tissues, and organisms as well as the exploration of reaction pathways in lipid metabolism. The unraveling of lipid profiles within this field yields essential insights into biological function, health, and disease. The symposium focuses on innovative methodologies that unveil the structures of complex lipid molecules and their applications from fundamental research to clinical diagnostics.
Division of Analytical Chemistry Poster Session (Poster)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizer: Mark A. Hayes
Description: This symposium is open to poster presentations of research that feature the development and/or use of analytical chemistry not covered in other ANYL poster symposia.
Capillary Electrophoresis – Mass Spectrometry in Enabling Highly Sensitive Analytical Applications (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: Alexander R. Ivanov
Description: The symposium will be focused on new advances in technology/method development across platforms of capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) to enable cutting-edge applications requiring high sensitivity analysis. The symposium aims at encouraging the presentation and discussion of novel, exciting, possibly controversial, but mostly unpublished results. The symposium’s stage encourages vigorous and vibrant scientific discussions between participants and a great deal of focus on Q&A sessions with the support of committed and engaged session chairs and speakers. We anticipate a diverse pool of attendees, spanning across academia, government, clinical, and industry research laboratories and organizations. The symposium program is aimed to include thought leaders, emerging researchers, and students from diverse research backgrounds and communities, who will discuss the development and various applications of CE-MS in depth.
Electroanalytical Sensors for the 21st Century (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: Chuck Henry, Maral Mousavi
Description: TBA
Virtual Graduate Students Symposium in Asia-Pacific Region on Analytical Chemistry (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizer: Chunxiao Zheng
Description: This virtual symposium is initiated and co-organized by ACS East China Chapter. The graduate students in Asia-Pacific region are welcome to showcase their most recent research on Analytical Chemistry and gain experience as oral speakers at an international setting. We will try to arrange all the presentations during day time in the region. The symposium will cover all aspects of Analytical Chemistry and in particular will focus on sensing, imaging and chemical measurements.
SEAC Session: Advances in Electrochemistry (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Cosponsor: CHED
Organizer: Lane Baker, Long Luo, Hang Ren, Yao Yang
Description: TBA
ACS Analytical Award Symposium – Prof. Joseph Wang (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizer: Amay Bandodkar, Wei Gao
Description: TBA
ACS Award in Chromatography (Oral)
ANYL – Division of Analytical Chemistry
Organizers: James Grinias
Description: TBA