Letter from the Chair, Mark A. Hayes

Greetings from the Division of Analytical Chemistry!

It is my distinct honor to serve as Chair for 2025, and I look forward to leading this exceptional and diverse group of volunteers while spearheading new initiatives that will further strengthen the Division in the year ahead. We are well-positioned for continued progress, thanks in large part to the dedicated leadership of Chair Mirlinda Biba, whose tireless efforts have expanded our volunteer base, provided a platform for pharmaceutical scientists to receive recognition, and fostered valuable connections with other Divisions.

I am also delighted to welcome our incoming officers: Ben Garcia as Chair-Elect and Wendy Flory as Treasurer. Ben has been a true leader in DEIR activities in division and beyond and Wendy has stepped right into the job, working with the management team and the current Treasurer. Additionally, we are joined by Rebecca Hunter (The College of New Jersey) and John McLean (Vanderbilt University), who will serve as Alternate Councilors. Bryant Nelson is continuing in a series of roles with the leadership this year as Program Chair. I extend a heartfelt thank you to Past Chair Anna Cavinato for her remarkable leadership during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as for her enthusiastic service over more than a decade in various roles within the ANYL Division. We are also bidding farewell to Adam Woolley, who has served as Treasurer for over a decade with unwavering dedication.

As we continue to emerge from the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen remarkable stability and progress under the leadership of Anna Cavinato and Mirlinda Biba. New programs and partnerships have been launched, and we have successfully funded several Innovative Project Grants (IPGs). In fact, we have reached our funding limit for these grants, which is a testament to the Division’s vibrant activity. A core set of activities were (and are) efforts by the Division to support scientists from underrepresented groups with special symposia, travel grants and at-event activities. A strategic planning retreat has been held, and a comprehensive plan has been developed. We will soon host a town hall to engage the membership in discussions on this plan. Two of the outcomes were new Vision and Mission Statements:

Vision: Advancing chemical measurement science to empower all people.

Mission: Strengthening the global chemical measurement community to drive discovery and innovation, enhance professional opportunities, educate members and society, and foster connections.

Our recent meetings in New Orleans and Denver have highlighted our resilience and enthusiasm. We are also excited to welcome Si Wu and Amit Vaish as Co-Chairs of the Long-Range Program Planning Committee and express our deep gratitude to LiangLiang Sun for his service as Chair. Having worked closely with LiangLiang as Program Chair for 2024, I can personally attest to the invaluable contributions he made to the Division.

Additionally, we look forward to continuing our collaboration with Rebecca Zangmeister, Chair of the Membership Committee, who is overseeing a member survey as part of our strategic plan’s execution. We also extend our appreciation to Jacky Jhingree for her continued service as Volunteers Chair.

Our Education Committee, led by Michelle Kovarik, remains highly active in supporting educational initiatives at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Committee coordinates prestigious undergraduate awards, including the Kolthoff Award and the Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, as well as Graduate Student Fellowships made possible by the generous support of Agilent, Eli Lilly, and Pittcon. In addition, the Committee has organized several virtual workshops, roundtable discussions on topics of interest to educators, and virtual networking events. If you are interested in becoming more involved, I encourage you to reach out to Michelle.

As Division Chair, my primary goals are twofold. First, I aim to maintain the momentum generated by the many talented leaders and volunteers who have dedicated so much time and effort to our Division. Second, I intend to critically examine the evolving role of professional societies—particularly our own Division—in today’s world, where the internet and social media are taking over many traditional functions. It’s essential that we adapt to new mechanisms and identify how we can continue to provide meaningful value to our members.

I also plan to continue strengthening connections with other divisions and international chapters, ensuring that the diverse voices and perspectives of our membership are represented across our activities. I recognize that we face challenges in retaining members, and I will work closely with Rebecca, Membership Committee and all others involved in the Strategic Plan and Leadership aimed at identifying strategies and actions to improve recruitment and retention.

I welcome your ideas, feedback, and suggestions on how we can further enhance your experience as a member of the Division of Analytical Chemistry. Let’s work together to make 2025 an exciting and successful year for all.


Mark A. Hayes
Arizona State University
Chair ACS Analytical Division 2025

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