Pacifichem 2021: The Place to Be for Analytical Chemistry
With more than 40 approved symposia in the analytical chemistry and measurement science area, Pacifichem 2021, scheduled for Dec 16-21, 2021 in Honolulu, HI and virtually, is shaping up to be an outstanding scientific meeting for analytical chemistry. Always an important conference for analytical chemistry, the Pacifichem 2021 program is particularly strong, reflecting the increasing importance and popularity of measurement-related areas of chemistry. Pacifichem, held every 5 years, is a joint production between the American Chemical Society, the Chemical Society of Japan, the Canadian Chemical Society and the chemical societies of China, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Make sure to mark your calendars now to join colleagues from across the Pacific and around the world for a once in every five years opportunity to explore the frontiers of chemistry from beautiful Waikiki Beach.  But…how to convince your boss of the business value of attending? Just mention that instead of business class flights to visit your partner organizations in China, India and Singapore, you can instead meet will all of these colleagues in a single economy fare trip to beautiful Hawaii.
Pacifichem 2021 to be a Hybrid Congress
Analytically Relevant Sessions at Pacifichem 2021 include:Â
2D and 3D Nanomaterials for Optical Sensing
Advances in Blood-Based Diagnostics
Advances in Cannabis Analysis
Analytical Advances and Applications of Mass Spectrometry based Lipidomics
Analytical Advances and Applications of X-Ray Spectroscopy
Analytical Chemistry of Plastic Marine Debris
Analytical Development Relevant to Environmental Exposure and Effects
Analytical Developments and Applications of Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Analytical Frontiers in Mass Spectrometry Based Discovery
Challenges in Vibrational Spectroscopy for Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Comprehensive Multidimensional Separations
Development and Applications of Techniques for Electrochemical Analysis
Electrochemistry in Nanoscale Devices
Emerging Micro- and Nano- Technologies for Disease Biomarker Detection
High Performance Separations: Advanced Materials, Devices, Detection, and Applications
Horizon of 2D Correlation Spectroscopy
Innovation in Chemical Sensing and Separation Systems toward Advanced Chemical Analysis
Innovations in Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for the Benefit of the Global Community
Marine and Freshwater Toxins – Detection, Structure, and Pharmacology
Micro- and Nanofluidic Systems for Chemical and Biological Measurements
- Nanostructured Interfaces for Ultrasensitive Biosensing
- New Advances in Microscale Liquid Phase Separations: Theory, Practice and Progress
- New Horizons in Plasma-based Atomic and Molecular Spectrometry
- Next-Generation Cytometry: Technologies & Applications
- Novel Applications of Magnetic Field and Magnetic Material Related Techniques in Analytical Sciences
- On-site and In-vivo Instrumentation and Applications
- Optical Tools for Material Analysis at Interfaces and Thin-Films
- Opto-bioanalysis: Imaging and controlling biomolecules in live cells
- Plasmonic Materials for Chemical Analysis
- Porous Microfluidics for Point of Need Measurements
- Recent Developments in the Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Foods: Advances and Challenges
- Stable Isotope Labeling of Biomolecules and Use in Structural, Biochemical and Biophysical Studies
- Structural Characterization of Biological Systems by Vibrational Spectroscopy
- Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) for Analysis and Purification
- Surface-enhanced Spectroscopy: From the Research Lab to Commercial Applications
- The Magic of Miniaturization: How Being Able to Probe Micro-Nanospace has Changed How We Do Science
- The Vital Roles of Metals: Metallomics, Metallometabolomics, Metalloproteomics and Nanometallomics
- Trace Element Speciation: The Next Analytical Challenges
- Traditional and Emerging Functional Materials/Assemblies for Chemical Analysis and Separation Science
- Ultrasensitive Analysis of Proteins and Protein Modifications
- Uncertainty in Forensic Chemical Measurements