International Symposium and Exhibit on the Separation, Purification, and Characterization of Biological Important Molecules (ISPPP), Oct 27-30, 2024, Delray Beach, FL
Eastern Analytical Symposium, Nov 18-20, 2024, Plainsboro, NJ
Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop, Feb 3-5, 2025, Liege, Belgium
Pittcon 2025, Mar 1-5, 2025, Boston, MA
ACS Spring Meeting, March 23-27, 2025, San Diego, CA
HPLC 2025, June 15-19, 2025, Bruges, Belgium
SFC 2025, Oct 5-7, 2025, Basel, Switzerland
Know of others? Let us know and we will post!
The goals of the Subdivision include:
- promoting chromatography and separations chemistry
- organizing and sponsoring symposia on topics of interest to separations chemists
- developing activities to promote the growth of separations science
- increasing the professional status and the contacts between separations scientists
SCSC Supports Programming!
The Subdivision on Chromatography and Separations Chemistry (SCSC) of the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry invites proposals from subdivision members for small grants to support separations science programming at local and regional meetings. Members may request $100-$500 to defray costs associated with speaker honoraria, travel costs, refreshments, or similar expenses for a symposium, poster session, networking event, or similar activity.
To apply, please submit the name(s) and contact information of the organizers (including at least one SCSC member), the name/date/location of the conference, a brief description of the intended activity (~250 words), and a short budget justification.
Awards will be made on a rolling basis until allocated funds for the fiscal year have been expended. Please allow 4-5 weeks for a decision on applications. Applications and questions may be directed to the Subdivision’s Chair-Elect, Jim Grinias at