Separations Science Meetings

ACS Meetings
ACS sponsors regional, national, and international meetings throughout the year.

Eastern Analytical Symposium
The Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition (EAS) is held each year to provide professional scientists and students continuing education in the analytical and allied sciences through the presentation of symposia of papers, workshops, and short courses.

HPLC is a venue for scientists to network with academic, industrial and governmental leaders in separation science. The format promotes exchange of ideas, best practices, and latest developments. A social program facilitates informal discussion and learning.

The International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography (ISCC) and the GCxGC Symposium are held jointly each year.

International Symposium on Field- and Flow-Based Separations (FFF2022)
This symposium is held every other year and organized by the Scientific Program Committee under the guidance of the Steering Board for International Symposia on Field-Flow Fractionation, aiming to showcase the innovative developments and applications in all forms of Field-Flow Fractionation and the related field- and flow separation techniques by high-quality presentations and dynamic discussions.

SciX (formerly FACSS)
The SciX conference brings together over 1,000 international analytical scientists and professionals.

Microscale Bioseparations
At MSB, you will have the opportunity to discover the most remarkable innovations from all over the world, from fundamentals in microfluidics including cells on a chip to the most recent advances in instrumentation or couplings with CE or LC; from sample preparation and clinical applications to «omics».

Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop
The Multidimensional Chromatography (MDC) Workshop draws experts in this exciting field to share and discuss their research. The informal workshop also provides an excellent opportunity for those interested in multidimensional chromatography to learn more about this unique analytical technique. Research topics include advancements in multidimensional chromatography technology and applications of this highly selective chromatographic approach.

Pittcon is the world’s leading annual conference and exposition on laboratory science. Pittcon attracts attendees from industry, academia and government from over 90 countries worldwide.

SFC/SFE Europe 2023
The Green Chemistry Group was founded in 2007 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of SFC and environmentally sustainable chemical research and development worldwide. Their annual conference attracts approximately 200 scientists, from around the globe and spanning many industries, who use – or are considering – SFC as a green technology. The next meeting will take place on May 15-16, 2023, in Basel, Switzerland. There will be a short course on SFC on Sunday, May 14.