Acknowledging Dr. Simonzadeh…

The Analytical Division has continuity going back decades. And, every so often, that becomes critically important. An Analytical Division Undergraduate Awardee, Ninus Simonzadeh, got the Award at Loyola University in Chicago before heading to the University of Arizona, where he worked with Henry Freiser (anyone unfamiliar with the name should look him up as well as his late son, Ben), and then to Northern Illinois University. Ninus, now Dr. Simonzadeh, never got a certificate indicating that he’d won the award. After many emails among his undergraduate mentor (the late Bruno Jaselskis), the awardee, and various Division officers over a period of 7 years, he recently received the long-missing certificate as shown in the picture. A somewhat belated Congratulations! And if anyone else has long-standing interests in Analytical Chemistry, contact the Division. We have a usefully long memory.

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