2019 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Analytical Chemistry: X. Nancy Xu, Old Dominion University

Prof. X. Nancy Xu is the recipient of the 2019 ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Roland F. Hirsch Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Analytical Chemistry in recognition of her leadership role in developing and organizing high-profile, multidisciplinary symposia for the Analytical Chemistry Division at ACS National Meetings, her service for analytical chemistry community, and her distinguished contributions to the fields of ultrasensitive bioanalysis and nanobiotechnology, including single molecule detection, single live cell imaging, single nanoparticle optics, single nanoparticle plasmonic spectroscopy, and electrochemiluminescence.  Dr. Xu has organized or chaired 36 symposia and/or technical sessions, covering subjects as diverse as nanotechnology, single molecule spectroscopy, and single cell analysis in biology and medicine at ACS National Meetings, Pittcon, FACSS, AAAS Meeting, Photonic West.  Her symposia have always been co-sponsored by multiple divisions.  These symposia showcase the central role that analytical chemistry plays in advancing biology, medicine, and materials chemistry, and have created great impacts that truly benefit analytical chemistry community.  Dr. Xu received her B.S. from Xiamen University and her Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi.  She was a postdoctoral fellow at UT-Austin and Ames Lab-Iowa State University.  She is the AAAS Fellow and Professor of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biomedical Engineering at Old Dominion University.  Her profile is at www.odu.edu/~xhxu.

More information about Xu’s research can be found here: www.odu.edu/~xhxu.

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